


OCT 2023

By booking with Mahali Africa, the lead person on the booking agrees to abide by the following company terms and conditions on behalf of all other individuals identified on the booking:

He/she agrees to provide accurate and full information to the company regarding his personal, family, or group identification and travel requirements;

He/she agrees to abide by our terms and conditions regarding the use and disclosure of personal data and information health conditions or disabilities, among others;

He/she or on behalf of family or group is 18 years or above of age while placing an order for the services provided by the company;

He/she accepts the company’s terms of payment and financial obligation to pay for the services sought on his/her behalf and on behalf of family or group detailed on the booking.


1. Booking Arrangements

At MAA, we provide you with a quotation based on your choice of service. Once you accept our quotation, you are required to pay to the company the deposit or full payment subject to other terms of payment and booking confirmation. Once you pay the deposit or full payment, we send you a booking confirmation with all details. MAA has the obligation to issue booking confirmation to its clients. However, MAA reserves the right to refund your deposit before issuing booking confirmation.

MAA enters into contract with you once a booking confirmation has been generated and shared with you. If you would like to some changes to be made on the booking confirmation details you must inform us immediately or within 15 days prior to your commencement of travel. 

2. Information Accuracy

All our information regarding prices, services, and company profile on our website, flyers, etc are accurate; we reserve the right to correct or amend any incorrect information or when there are changes in our prices or company profile. You must enquire to know the current prices and other details in line with your chosen service before your booking is confirmed.

3. Insurance 

You must have insurance that covers all your expenses including personal injury, medical expenses, death, repatriation in the event of accident or illness or death, cancellation of the holiday by either side and loss of, damage to, or theft of the clients’ personal property, and other higher inherent risks. 

Please note that conditions of services may not be the same in all our destinations including medical services, roads, safety and security. Therefore, it is the laws in different destinations/countries that apply to your holiday arrangements.

5. Suspending or Cutting Your Holiday Short

If you decide to suspend your vacation, adventure, to return to your home country early, MAA will not refund you for services not consumed. If you have a reasonable complaint about the standard of services offered including accommodation, travel arrangements, among other services we may offer to compensate with new services subject to additional fees charged to you. Depending on the circumstances, if you have travel insurance coverage other than MAA travel insurance cover, we encourage you to liaise with your travel insurer and lodge a claim directly with them.

6. Health Conditions

To advise you accordingly, you are required provide with us full details of your health condition and those of your family or group which may affect your stay before we confirm your booking so that we may also take reasonable steps to advise your or cater for your special requirements. If we are unable to cater for your needs, we will not confirm your booking and we reserve the right to cancel your booking and impose applicable cancellation charges.

7. Client Behaviour 

If your behaviour or that of any member of your party is causing or is likely to cause distress, danger or annoyance to any of our employees, partners, suppliers or to cause a delay or diversion to transportation, we reserve the right to terminate your booked arrangements with us immediately. No refunds for lost service and we will not pay any expenses or costs incurred as a result of termination. You or your party may also be required to pay for loss and/or damage caused by your actions. Full payment for any such damage or losses must be paid directly to the supplier prior to departure. If you fail to make payment, you will be responsible for meeting any claims (including legal costs) subsequently made against us as a result of your actions together with all costs we incur in pursuing any claim against you.

8. Excursions

Excursions or other travel arrangements that you may choose to book or pay for whilst you are on holiday are not part of your contracted arrangements with us. To facilitate accordingly, for any excursion or other tour outside the agreed itinerary with us will be booked and charged separately after notifying us such arrangements three (3) days before. 

9. Visa and Passport Requirements

In most countries, your passport is required to be valid for at least 6 months after your return date. However, in Rwanda, the following conditions and requirements apply:

Visa is required by all visitors to Rwanda excluding nationals of the United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Hong Kong, Mauritius, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi.

At the point of entry, a 15 days temporary permit is granted. Persons living far from Rwandan Embassies or diplomatic mission can apply for entry facility at www.migration.gov.rw.

a. Visitors (Tourist) Visa

For whom: All persons visiting Rwanda whether for business or leisure

Validity and Duration: Valid for 90 days Renewable once with justification. Multiple entries Issued within two days of submitting all required documents

Cost: RWF 25,000 (equivalent to USD 42)


Passport valid for at least six months;

One Clear Coloured photo;

Receipt of payment of RWF 25,000;

Application letter to the Director General of Immigration and Emigration;

Completed application form.

b. Working visa

For whom: All persons undertaking employment in the Republic

Validity and Duration: Valid for 1 year Renewable. Multiple entries Issued within two days of submitting all required documents


RWF 50,000 (equivalent to USD 83) for category A permit – workers earning a gross salary of at least RWF 500,000 (USD 830)

RWF 10,000 (equivalent to USD 17) for category B permit – workers earning a gross salary of at less than RWF 500,000 (USD 830)


Valid passport;

One Clear Coloured photo;

Receipt of payment of RWF 50,000 for Category A workers and RWF 10,000 for Category B Workers;

Application letter to the Director General of Immigration and Emigration;

Completed application form;

Employment contract signed by both the employer and employee;

Notarized copy of academic certificates;

Police clearance in English or French;

Signed CV of applicant;

A copy of INGO certificate for NGO employees;

A copy of accreditation card for journalists.

c. Business visa

For whom: All persons undertaking commercial pursuits in the Republic

Validity and Duration: Valid for 1 year Renewable. Multiple entries Issued within two days of submitting all required documents

Cost: RWF 50,000 (equivalent to USD 83)


Valid passport;

One Clear Coloured photo;

Receipt of payment of RWF 50,000 for Category A workers and RWF 10,000 for Category B Workers;

Application letter to the Director General of Immigration and Emigration;

Completed application form;

Police clearance in English or French;

Signed CV of applicant;

A copy of business trading license;

A copy of annual tax certificate;

A memorandum of understanding for companies or associations.

Mahali Africa Adventures may facilitate you in visa application for which you will pay the agreed service fees, however, the company does not accept any responsibility for your failure to comply with the state visa application requirements. 

10. Complaints

Should you have a query or complaint regarding the service in general or your travel arrangements with Mahali Africa Adventures or you would like to offer advice, feedback, or recommendation please send us an email to info@mahaliafrica.com or send us a WhatsApp message to +250787563034.  

11. Missed Travel Arrangements 

If you miss your flight or any other travel arrangement or your flight has been cancelled, it is an issue to be discussed with your airline or any other party concerned. If your travel booking was done through Mahali Africa Adventures, we will do everything at our disposal to communicate to you the changes and applicable terms and conditions of the airline, and facilitate your next scheduled arrival. 

12. Force Majeure

In the case of failure to perform any part of these terms and conditions due to any force majeure, the party suffering from such force majeure may be exempted from corresponding liability to the extent of the impact of such force majeure. However, such party shall continue to perform other obligations under these terms and conditions which have not been affected by such force majeure. If such force majeure occurs after such party delays to perform obligations under these terms and conditions, it shall not be exempted from its corresponding liabilities. The force majeure events can include, but are not limited to war, threat of war, civil strife terrorist activity and its consequences or the threat of such activity, riot, epidemics, pandemics, significant risks to human health, etc. 

13. Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws in the Republic of Rwanda.


14. Payment for Package Element & Single Element

To book your safari with Mahali Africa Adventures you must pay a non-refundable deposit for gorilla, monkey, and chimpanzee trekking permits. You will also be required to a deposit of 25% of the remaining services on your package including accommodation, meals, and transport. The balance of the cost of your safari package must be paid in not less than 30 days prior to your arrival.

If you would like to make a single element booking as an individual or group for accommodation, meals, or transport (safari & normal car), a non-refundable deposit of 25% of the total booking cost must be paid to the company account provided. The balance on booking cost must be paid within 30 days prior to your arrival. 

All moneys in respect to your safari booking must be paid in USD to the company’s bank account communicated to the client. However, your safari bookings may be subject to changes in transportation costs, including the cost of fuel; taxes or exchange rates.

If you would like to change your booked arrangements with Mahali Africa Adventures after we have issued you an invoice, you must inform us in writing at least 10 days before to check the available possibilities. However, any changes shall be applicable to payment of any extra costs. Where you may wish to cancel your already booked travel arrangements with the company, cancellation fees and admin fees may be applicable including 100% cancellation fee and up to 3% admin fee. 

If there is need by us to make any major or minor changes to your booking, we will inform you as soon possible as before your departure. If we make a major change or cancel your booking before 35 days before your departure we will compensate you.  

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