
Idjwi, or Ijwi, is an inland island in Lake Kivu which forms part of South Kivu Province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. At 70 km (43 mi) in length and with an area of 340 km2 (131 sq mi), it is the second-largest lake island in Africa and the tenth largest in the world. Idjwi is roughly equidistant between the Congo and Rwanda, with 10 to 15 kilometres (6 to 9 mi) separating its western shore from the DRC mainland and a similar distance between its eastern shore and the coastline of Rwanda. The island's southern tip, however, lies only 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) from a promontory of the Rwandan coast.


Day 1: Arrival at Kigali International Airport 

When you arrive at the Kigali International Airport (KIA), you will be met and picked by an experienced and welcoming driver guide fully dressed in Mahali Africa attire. The driver guide will take you through Kigali’s beautiful scenery as you proceed to your hotel in Bukavu/Goma. 

Day 2-4: Idjwi Unique Experience

Tourist activities at Idjwi Island includes visiting the plantation from locals including one of the big plantations of pineapple, village walk, interaction with locals about their day to life, birds watching, visiting the local fishermen and swimming in Lake Kivu. The island has beaches that offer relaxation with fresh air.

Boat rides can also be organised, taking you around the small islets surrounding the island, where you can visit nearby fishing villages. Pay the fishermen a small tip to guide you through the lush, primary tropical forest on this little piece of paradise, abounding in bird life and also home to a troupe of as yet unidentified monkeys.

You will also go for the clay art making with Pygmies, the first inhabitant of sub-Saharan Africa; they are the minority on the Island and live primarily from clay art making. Pottery is one of the key economic activities for pygmies of Idjwi island.

In 2013, the island was estimated to have a population of 252,000 people, mostly Havus, with a small Pygmy minority. This is a massive increase from the estimated population of 50,000 in 1983. You will enjoy the historical background and way of life of pygmies. 

It will be your momentous occasion to visit the King’s palace of Rubenga Chiefdom. You will have an opportunity to learn about Idjwi Territory as a territory in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo that consists mostly of the island of Idjwi and various small islands on the Congolese side of Lake Kivu. You may also have a chance to visit the chiefdom’s cultural museum comprising various historical and current cultural tools used in the Idjwi territory.

Other activities include cruising on majestic Lake Kivu enjoying the sunset as you discover more on the Island as well as experiencing production of local brew made from banana. 

Day 5: Departure to Kigali

After your breakfast at the hotel, you will be dropped to Bugarula Port where you will proceed to Bukavu/Goma as you connect to Kigali for your next international flight.

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